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Top 10 perennials for the dream New England garden

Looking to design the ultimate New England garden?

It all starts with going native!

Choosing plants native to New England insures a naturally thriving garden, from spring to fall.

At M. Coelho Group, we admire the natural beauty of this land, and believe choosing native plants enhances your garden. Plants that are native to the area also serve as an important resource for pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

These plants can both play a pivotal role in our ecosystem, and add aesthetic value to your garden.


1 | Wild Anemone

Anemone Canadensis is a low-maintenance perennial flower, perfect for a beginner gardener. This plant requires shade to partial sun, and well drained and rich soil. Anemone can reach 2ft tall.

Considered a ground cover, this plant will fill your garden, making it an excellent alternative to lawn (especially in shady areas).

2 | Maidenhair Fern

Maidenhair Fern is a gorgeous plant that will add texture to your garden.

This plant does well with high humidity, full-shade, and moist, rich soil.

If you have shady land, or even forest land on your property, Maidenhair Fern can elevate that space and add a little magic to your more shadowy landscape.

3 | Northern Blue Flag

Northern Blue Flag, also known as Iris Versicolor, is an elegant plant worth considering adding to your garden.

Reaching 2-3ft tall, this beautiful purple flower is a low maintenance option. Moist, rich soil and sun to partial shade is preferred.

This flower will really give you that look for the traditional New England garden.

4 | Milkweed

Asclepias, also known as Milkweed, is well known for its ability to attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

This flower can come in a variety of colors. Milkweed requires 6-8 hours of full sun a day. The amount of sunlight they require is an important factor to consider when choosing this plant.

M. Coelho Group will advise you on the compatibility of plants for property when doing a property assessment.

5 | American Coralbells

Heuchera Americana, or American Coral Bells, is a small evergreen that requires full sun but can tolerate dry soil.

A great option if you’re looking for a green that’s deer resistant. Traditionally used around boarders.

If you’re looking for a plant to complement a rock wall, Heuchera Americana is an excellent choice.

6 | Sweet Bay Magnolia

Sweet Bay Magnolia is a beautiful tree, easy to introduce to a sunny or even partially shady spot.

This tree requires moist soil. In northern climates you can expect Sweet Bay Magnolia to grow anywhere from 10-35ft tall, growing at a rate of about 1-2ft per year.

Their bloom is described as lemon scented, a sweet detail for your perfect New England garden.

7 | Red Maple

Red Maple, or Acer Rubrum can grow 60-90ft tall, just a little over a foot per year.

If you’re looking for more shade in your yard, this is an amazing option, as it grows relatively fast. Easy to grow in slightly acidic soil.

This tree will add a lovely deep red to your garden, perfect for the front of your home.

8 | Catawba Rhododendron

Rhododendron is a plant that immediately comes to mind when you imagine the ideal New England garden.

Growing 6-10ft tall, they love partial shade. Sensitive to dry soil, this plant requires moist soil.

9 | Columbine

Columbine, or Aquilegia, is a flower that loves partial shade and well drained soil.

If you’re hoping to attract hummingbirds to your New England garden, Columbine will definitely increase your chances of hosting those sweet little birds.

10 | Aster

Aster is another beautiful option for a sunny garden. Growing up to 6ft tall, this flower is a classic New England plant, playing a huge part in the ecosystem and a beautiful addition to your dream New England garden.


As you put together your list for your dream New England garden, factoring the compatibility of your land and the plants you desire will be a game changer. Contact M. Coelho Landscaping today for a consultation. Together we can design the ultimate New England garden.

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